Today ZDC is ISO 9001:2000 and JAS-ANZ certified. We believe our quality evolution will be a direct result of our Company’s Quality Improvement Culture. Our culture is a product of each individual employee’s attitudes, conduct and contribution. We hold great expectations from our team, we believe each is obligated to:

  1. Manufacture products to established requirements.
  2. Know the authorized written procedures for their job.
  3. Be responsible for defect elimination.
  4. Be responsible for delivering work on time.
  5. Actively participate in training to support quality improvement in our products, processes, and services.

Production Planning

We believe in advance quality production planning and following are some related highlights:

  1. A Part Control Plan is generated for each part manufactured identifying all key product characteristics and defining the methods for their control.
  2. A Process Flowchart is generated and defines the manufacturing process as well as the interaction and controls throughout the product realization.
  3. Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis is performed to assure the prevention of defectives through the manufacturing process.
  1. A Full Dimensional Layout is performed to verify mold design and part print compliance in the pre-production phase
  2. Own Power Generation of 1.5 Mega Watts to avoid any production loss caused by power shutdowns.